








远红外桑拿是风靡于欧美的第三代保健沐浴设备,它以5.6微米至15微米的远红紫外线为主要能量,采取世界流行的低温出汗技术,在沐浴的同时还可轻松地享受音乐,对人体有良好的保健作用。从表面看,远红外桑拿很像桑拿房。一样的木制结构、一样的坐椅,但是工作原理却完全不同。桑拿房内部有一个电热炉,通过泼水产生高温蒸汽,蒸汽传导热量促使人体排汗。而远红外桑拿的原理是利用远红外线辐射,光波(瘦身)浴房模拟人体生物频谱信息,科学地配置了五个红外辐射光源。电脑智能化程序控制,发射5.615微米的远红外光波,使光波为人体充分吸收,穿透肌肤,直至深层组织使其和人体细胞产生共振,对人体细胞进行光按摩,″外静而内动″再辅助以精油、营养霜、减肥膏、牛奶、花瓣等营养因子,从而达到的机体调节,健肤美体功效。由于不需要高温蒸汽,光波浴房与桑拿房相比就有了许多优点:首先是更舒适,空气可以流通,没有憋闷感,还可以在小屋内听听音乐,看看书;第二是它的理疗作用,远红外桑拿对肩周炎、颈椎病等病症有治疗作用;第三,远红外桑拿有着更方便的温度调节和控制装置,比桑拿房更节能。 红外线桑拿浴房是根据远红外线能够透过人体肌肤,在人体的深沉细胞中产生调理内分泌,舒筋通络的原理,采用光波按摩及低温出汗技术研制而成的。 作用: 1.增进生物的氧化还原反应,减少囤积的多余脂肪,改善体质。2 保温效果:节省能量的消耗,保持身体的营养状态。3 促进排汗及排除皮下脂肪:达到运动,美容与健康的效果。4 活化生理机能及功能:激活荷尔蒙及酵素,排走体内重金属,毒素等沉淀物。5增强活力:促进新陈代谢,营养成份充份利用及消除疲劳。6 理疗肌肉性及神经性疾病:强化肝脏功能,消除紧张及莫明闷痛。7 抑制癌症细胞的扩散:减少不良蛋白质的破坏力。8 消炎止痛:活化免疫功能。9 再生机能复活:活血化淤,加速伤患复原。 INFRARED SAUNA can see through the human skin according to the far infrared ray, produce and recuperate the endocrine , the open principle that holds in the deep cells of the human body in place with a net of easy muscle, adopt light wave massage and sweat that technology develop at low temperature. Function: 1. Promote biological oxidizing reduction reaction, reduce the surplus fat hoarding , improve the physique.2 keeps the result warm: Save the consumption of energy, keep the nutrition state of the body. 3 promotes the perspiration and gets rid of the lower fat of skinReach sports, improve looks with the healthy result.4 activates physiological function and function: Activate hormone and enzyme, remove internal heavy metal , precipitate such as the toxin .5 invigorates: Promote metabolism , a fatigue of utilizing and dispelling that nutrition serves as . 6 physiotherapies muscle and nerve disease: Strengthen the liver function, dispel the tense and not bright stuffy pain.7 diffusion which suppress cancer cells: Reduce the destruction strength of the bad protein. 8 diminishes inflammation and stops the pain: Activate the immunological function. 9 life again Yes revival: Promoting blood circulation silt, accelerate suffering from recovering wounded